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We will bring your site to the TOP-10 search results and create a constant flow of incoming applications.

DmitryTechnical Director
JanSEO specialist
MichaelGeneral manager

we are certified partner

Cost of website promotion in TOP-10

Consultation with a specialist

For whom:

For those who want to understand how to increase sales from a website


Create a marketing plan, conduct a website diagnostic

For free

Online store promotion

For whom:

E-commerce in any subject


Sell marginal products with minimal investment

from 850 zł/мес

Promotion of a service website (corporate website)

For whom:

For companies in the b2b and b2c segments, corporate websites


Increase the number of applications and calls

from 600 zł/мес


For whom:

Entrepreneurs and marketers who want to understand why there are no calls or applications


Understand why the positions have dropped, traffic has decreased, check the contractor

from 400 zł

One-off jobs

For whom:

There is a work plan for website promotion and SEO competencies


Perform specific SEO tasks professionally

from 200 zł
Our advantages

Improving the condition of the site

We promote using “white” methods

We conduct link building

Improving the condition of the site

We fix technical errors, upgrade current functionality and increase page loading speed.

We promote using “white” methods

We do not violate the rules of search engines, thanks to which sites are well ranked and do not fall under filters.

We conduct link building

We draw up an external optimization plan and build a high-quality link profile.

Increasing sales

We are working on improving commercial and behavioral factors to increase the number of applications.

Increasing sales

Our advantages

Improving the condition of the site

We promote using “white” methods

We conduct link building

Increasing sales

Improving the condition of the site

We fix technical errors, upgrade current functionality and increase page loading speed.

We promote using “white” methods

We do not violate the rules of search engines, thanks to which sites are well ranked and do not fall under filters.

We conduct link building

We draw up an external optimization plan and build a high-quality link profile.

Increasing sales

We are working on improving commercial and behavioral factors to increase the number of applications.


Real reviews

business owners


We needed a logo and label for our new olive line. We turned to Studio-Panda for help. Very pleased with the result and cooperation. We recommend.

MaximMarketing Director

Studio-Panda developed a website for our beauty salon. All our wishes were taken into account, and although there was little time, the work was done quickly. We were pleased with the result.

We understand how important it is to be on the first lines of search results, and we know exactly how to do it. Our clients highly appreciate the results of our work, confirming this with many years of cooperation.

Our clients

Frequently asked questions

How long will it take to reach the TOP-10?

It is impossible to name the exact time frame for getting to the first page of search results — it depends on the region of promotion, the niche of your business, the age of the domain, the initial state of the site and other factors. In a low-competition niche, it can take from 3 to 5 months to get to the TOP-10, with high competition, the period increases to 6-12 months.

What is included in the SEO promotion service?

The SEO promotion service includes the following work:

  • Website audit and refinement to eliminate technical errors, improve behavioral metrics and conversions.
  • Selection of relevant keywords and query clustering to create landing pages.
  • Organization of navigation and interlinking, setting up CHPU, creating new pages and filling them with SEO texts, meta tags.
  • Development of a strategy for link promotion, search for donor sites and placement of links.

As an additional tool for receiving applications, we can launch contextual advertising. We can also do work to improve the reputation of your brand (SERM) on online maps to increase its recognition and attract potential customers.

Will a technical and usability audit be conducted as part of the promotion?

Yes, we will conduct a technical and usability audit.

As part of the technical audit, work will be carried out to detect technical errors and problems with indexing. We will check SSL certificates, robot.txt and sitemap.xml files, page loading speed, duplicate pages and content, broken links, incorrect meta tags and much more. Upon completion of the audit, you will receive a report that will note the errors found and recommendations for their correction. If necessary, we can correct the errors.


website promotion


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